When your organization is seeking change, you don’t have the time or money to waste on a solution that won’t stick. Through our continuous improvement process, you’ll create and execute a plan that helps your organization continue to evolve and create new opportunities.
Continuous Improvement Cycle
© 2020, EduStrategy Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.
Here’s a look at how our team helps your organization
First, we’ll help you make evidence-based decisions about where to focus efforts through:
- Researching best practices, emerging trends, and innovations.
- Analyzing your organization’s performance data to identify strengths, gaps, and opportunities.
- Using data visualization techniques to explain where you are and where you want to be.

Next, we’ll work with you to form a cross-functional team of people from across your organization to lead the development of the project or enterprise-level change.
- The team will co-design the project concept, addressing the strengths, gaps, and opportunities identified during the investigation, while weaving emerging trends and innovations into the project concept.
- Together, we’ll establish performance measures and target outcomes to make sure the project is on target for success.
- Additionally, we’ll develop an evidence-based plan to prepare your organization for the human side of change, with a special focus on people who will be most closely impacted.
- During this stage, if a multi-million dollar federal grant competition matches the timing and concept of your strategic project, we’ll partner to pursue the grant to fund your project.

Your organization will implement the project, following the plan we designed together and making any needed adjustments along the way.
- You’ll collect data for the performance measures we identified during the Design and Fund Phase.
- With our guidance, you’ll support people in your organization as the change is implemented, following the evidence-based plan we developed together to address the human side of change.
- Throughout the Execution Phase, we’ll meet periodically to provide you with support and help you resolve any issues along the way.

Each year, we’ll analyze the data from your performance measures to evaluate the performance of your project and make recommendations for continuous improvement.
- You’ll receive an Annual Evaluation Report throughout the project with an integrated Summative Evaluation Report at the end. Both will include data visualization techniques to present project outcomes in a way that’s meaningful.
- You’ll present the project outcomes to key stakeholders in your organization and, together, identify any adjustments to improve your project going forward.
For an additional investment, we will conduct an Impact Study. Through the Impact Study, you will learn which of the project’s programs or services had the greatest, most statistically significant impact on project outcomes. This information will be highly valuable as you make budget decisions, enabling you to allocate the most resources toward programs and services that made the greatest impact, and reducing budgets and staff time for programs or services that, statistically, made less of a difference.

Ready to start making a big impact and creating opportunities at your organization?
During your partnership with the EduStrategy team, we’ll repeat the Continuous Improvement Cycle to help you and your organization achieve your desired results, while supporting the human side of change along the way.